Protection Suzu will knock back opponents slightly if they are in the area of effect.Abilities, such as Chain Hook, will pass through them. They are not targetable by enemies and become non-physical.

Protection Suzu makes allies phased out, making them immune to most negative effects and damage.If Genji's allies stand in their path, they will be healed. Despite Deflect switching ownership to Genji, yellow ofudas will still try to seek their original target.They are still limited by their max homing range. Healing Ofuda will continue to home on targets even when they teleport or become untargetable by enemies, such as a Shadow Stepping Reaper or a Moira using Fade.The max range for Healing Ofuda is the same as Swift Step, so you can use the indicator for that ability determine if your Healing Ofuda will home in or not.All 10 Ofuda are restored, regardless of how many Ofuda were left in the clip. Healing Ofuda automatically reload when they are not in use or the clip is emptied.Healing Ofuda are destroyed upon impact with the terrain whether they were homing or not.

Blue ofuda can still heal an ally if they walk into the missed ofuda's path.